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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 18

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
December 7, 2022
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  God's method of dealing with man comes to the critical focus at the issue of faith.

Introduction:  In our previous studies, we have camped on these claims: The issue of perspective is so crucial as to determine understanding. Involved in the matter of perspective are these factors: 1) God is and has spoken; 2) Man is a creature of eternity; and 3) God has addressed man in terms of the way He made him when He created him.

In order to make our perspective "biblical", I have camped in recent studies upon the record of the temptation of man in the Garden in Genesis Three in order to show that the categories of man's "creation" (body, spirit, soul) became the categories of the serpent's temptation of Eve and Adam (body, soul, spirit) so that "food", "appealing desire of the eyes", and "the need for wisdom" are expansions of man's created reality.

Then, last week I went to Genesis Twelve in order to show that the categories of man's "creation" (body, spirit, soul) are recognizable in the "Abrahamic Covenant" in both the demands of God and the promises of God made to Abram. I also made the claim that this "Abrahamic Covenant" was the seed bed for successive covenants as well as large overarching governors of God's plans for man for his time upon the earth.

At some point, I plan to press that thesis of the "seed bed" by looking at those successive covenants and their impact upon how history has developed upon the earth. But this evening, I am going to try to make the case that God's words in covenant form have one particular requirement that, if met, leads into the experience by man of the Life of God, and, if not met, turns man's experience of existence in God's dealings with men into a gradually developing chaos that ultimately leads to Death. That one requirement is commonly known to men: Faith in the words of God.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.