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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 17

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
November 30, 2022
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  The thesis that God's words are for man as he is as a creature of eternity, with a body of dust, a functional capacity imparted by a "life giving spirit", and a new identity as "a living soul", is established by the multitude of contexts which follow the pattern of "body, spirit, soul" (not necessarily in that order) throughout God's progressive revelation in the recording of this extensive pattern over the 1600 years (+/-) through verbal and written words.

Introduction:  In our studies to date we have dived into the details that give us a description of man as God created him, because our interpretations of His words absolutely depend upon our understanding of the "setting" into which the words fell.

The last time we met, we reconsidered the terms of the text that tells us of the temptation of man by the serpent so that we might see that he attacked Eve, then Adam, at all points that relate to the way man was created by God. This record strongly implies that the only effective way for God to restore what the serpent destroyed is to address man according to the same issues. It will not help us to be told things that do not address those things which, going astray, will destroy us.

So, this evening we are going to move on to the next most highly visible record in which God addresses the lies: Genesis 12:1-3.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.