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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 10

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
October 5, 2022
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  Man is a composite being made up of "body", "spirit", and "soul".

Introduction:  In our study last week, we considered the fact that legitimate understanding is blocked when man's focus is upon himself rather than upon exercising compassion toward others under the direction of God. Thus, if we do not share Jesus' "compassion" we will not share His "perspective" of what is important. Therefore, it is indisputable that "a biblical perspective" can be absolutely frustrated when a person rejects God's perspective on "sheep who have no shepherd".

This evening we are going to turn back to our dominating illustration as given in the handout several weeks ago picturing Man as A "Creature" of "Eternity". The final claim on that illustration page is that the God Who has spoken has spoken to men in harmony with the way He created him. God addresses us according to our identity as creatures of eternity. This boils down to addressing us according to our root needs (as dependent creatures) so that we can experience "eternity" as those who "Live" (as opposed to those who experience eternity as those existing in Death).

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.