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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 9

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
September 28, 2022
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  There is such a thing as a legitimate, but limited, "understanding"; but, it is a governed reality.

Introduction:  We are studying the issue of developing a biblical perspective because it is absolutely crucial to legitimate understanding. Involved in this matter of perspective are these factors: 1) God loves us to the degree of the sacrifice of His own beloved Son; 2) God is and has spoken (thus we have a "Bible"); 3) Man is a creature of eternity (there is no exit from existence); 4) Man's quality of experience while he exists forever is tied to external factors as they exist in a cause-and-effect universe (actions/reactions of both the individual and his/her associates); and 5) Man's quality of experience while he exists forever is also tied to internal factors in this cause-and-effect universe (what he values -- i.e., what he "loves" -- and what he believes -- i.e., what he considers truth-in-the-pursuit of his values).

This evening I want to pursue the claim that "perspective" is absolutely crucial to legitimate understanding. I want to do this by taking a page out of our studies in the Gospel of Mark.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.