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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Twelve: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 12:1-2 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 12 Paragraph # 1 Study # 1
August 18, 2019
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   The "follow-through" on the doctrine of "The Gospel of God" (in Romans 1-11) begins with a summons to respond to His mercies with loving confidence.

Introduction:   In the beginning of his letter to the Romans, Paul made it clear that his "purpose" in life was to be an apostle of the Gospel for God in this present material world (1:1). He also made it clear that this "purpose" also had a "purpose": to be an instrument of God for the transformation of human beings in all of the nations from "sinners" to "saints" who would become "submissive to God out of faith in God" (1:5).

It was to these ends that Paul wrote his letter with all of its deliberately organized content. Thus, we can safely assume that these last five chapters are, in a sense, a declaration of where he has been going ever since he picked up a quill and begin to write. In other words, these last five chapters are a declaration of what he wants to see happen in the lives of those who are "saints among the nations".

Thus, as we commence a look into these last five chapters, we need to be aware that they are a presentation of what is the outcome of "faith". As such, they are a presentation of a "faithful" life and we can use them as a help to us to see if/when we are faltering in trust. They are not to be used as "Law" as it was distorted by the Jews ("dictates" that we must "obey"); rather, they are to be used as "gracious revelation" as the basis for a continual turning to the God of Promise so that they will be reflected by our choices and actions. After all, at its most basic level, a "faithful life" is a life that is dependent upon God to fulfill His commitments; it is not a life that produces a "veneer of godliness" by outward obedience.

To this end, we are going to launch into a consideration of what it means to "believe" God, and what that will look like.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.