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Topic: Chapter 9: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 9:33-37 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 9 Paragraph # 5 Study # 2
May 9, 2023
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:  Even as late as being on the verge of Jesus' crucifixion, The Twelve were all wrapped up in attempting to exalt themselves over one another.

Introduction:  Last week we considered Mark's use of "Capernaum" to serve as the "setting" for the "bottom line" of all theological debate: What is God actually like?

In our study this evening we are going to look at a closely related issue: what is God's Kingdom actually like? Is it a "meritocracy" where the best performers get the best positions of exalted glory; or is it a kingdom where Love and Grace exclusively dominate? The first part of the answer to this issue is Mark's presentation of The Twelve as arrogant, self-exalting, blind men.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.