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Topic: Message Outlines: Chapter 8 (Include Audio)

Romans 8:17-25 (3)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 8 Paragraph # 3 Study # 3
October 30, 2007
Lincolnton, N.C.
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   The expectation of glory is rooted in the ministry of the Spirit through us.

Introduction:   We have been looking into Paul's transition from our identity as the children of God to our identity as the heirs of God. We have drawn a line of distinction between being an "heir of God" and a "joint heir with Christ". That distinction exists because of the differences in the text between being an heir of God because we are a child of God and being a joint heir with Christ because we suffer with Him. This distinction also exists because of the general tenor of Scripture in which we see a strong encouragement to fidelity so that one's inheritance can be "rich". There are multiple places in the Bible which declare that there is a relationship between what we end up doing in this world and what we end up experiencing in the world to come. There is a difference between "life" and the "crown of life".

However, these issues are not without their own problems for our understanding. If we do not understand the distinctions, we are left to the concept of "temporal insecurity" because there are too many places where inheritance is taught to be dependent upon whether we do this or that. But, if we go there, we are inevitably liable to become "legalists". On the other hand, if we do not accept the distinctions, we are in "eternal security" of a kind that opens the doors to libertine carelessness, which in reality eats up our inheritance.

So, this evening we are going to look further. What did Paul mean when he said that we would be "glorified together with Him"? What did he mean when he said "if we suffer together with Him"?

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.