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Topic: Chapter 7: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 7:1-23 (10)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 7 Paragraph # 1 Study # 10
June 7, 2022
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   Jesus' "critical truth" is that man's "problem" in relating to God does not, ultimately, rest upon what he/she does, but upon the condition of the heart that sponsors the activities of his/her "heart".

Introduction:   In our study last week we considered the first half of Jesus' "critical truth": that the problem man has in properly relating to God is not in what he eats. The stated reason for this is given in Jesus' explanation to His disciples in 7:18-19: "foods" cannot enter into man's "heart"; they bypass this "heart" by traveling through the digestive tract and out into the toilet. This is the use of the physical reality of physical creation to illustrate the metaphysical reality of relational creation. Thus, Jesus suspended the dietary code of the traditional understanding of the Mosaic Law because the traditions of the elders had so thoroughly corrupted the divine intent for that code that it was of no use to attempt to re-install it as a part of how man was to relate to God. What God had given for physical health, men had twisted into a means to retain spiritual health. Jesus' dismissal of that aspect of the Mosaic Law signaled a massive Theological/theological shift. This "shift" was away from "Law" as a guide to Life (man's perversion) to "Grace" as the means to Life (God's solution). The reason for the shift is rooted in the loss of the intention of God for His words in the Mosaic Law that was so great that the essence of "Grace" in Jesus' message of "relationship through forgiveness through repentance" had been so totally eradicated over the course of centuries of practicing the perversion of "externalism" that those in the synagogue who first heard Jesus' teaching said that it was "unheard of" in Israel (1:27).

This evening, on the basis of the fact that you can't fix stupid, we are going to move on to the second part of Jesus' "critical truth".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.