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Topic: Chapter 7: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 7:1-23 (4)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 7 Paragraph # 1 Study # 4
April 26, 2022
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   Hypocrisy consists, on one level, of the abandonment of divine instruction while presenting what is done as "the desire of God for you", and, on a deeper level, the abandonment of God Himself.

Introduction:   As we have inched our way into Mark's presentation of the massive flaw that consumed the nation, we have seen that it was initiated by the Pharisees and some of the scribes as the thought leaders of the Jews. We have seen that these adversaries of Jesus were actually what they accused Jesus of being: those empowered by Satan to attempt to corrupt the true Israel of God. And, being so empowered, they had joined forces with the other segments of national leadership to seek the destruction of Jesus.

This is not a small matter. Mark has exalted his thesis of national antagonism in order to answer a question that was both inevitable and necessary: Why should we believe that Jesus of Nazareth is The Messenger of Truth instead of the national leaders whom God has established over us in these days? The argument of the perverse leadership has been the same for centuries: God would not allow His people to go so far away from "Truth" as to require such a radical "correction" as that which Jesus represents. This argument has the twin issues of "sovereign oversight" and the development of "wisdom" in the thinking of the elders on its side. How can a "God" be trusted Who permits the destruction of the wisdom that is to preserve His people?

The reality is, however, that God has not expressed His own wisdom in history by the preservation of the institutions which have arisen among men. He did not keep Lucifer from injecting great evil into His creation; He did not keep Adam from aligning himself with The Serpent; He did not prevent the murder of Abel; He did not keep the world from descending into such a massive embrace of wickedness that it required the great flood that destroyed the world and all who dwelt in it except for eight; He did not prevent the rebellion of Babel; He did not preserve the offspring of Abraham from descending into perversity; He did not maintain the loyalty of the nation that arose out of the loins of Jacob; He did not sustain the unity of the nation which David had established by his gifts and calling; He did not keep Judah and Israel from descending into the chaos of idolatry; He did not prevent the mystery of iniquity to grow so massively that the creatures of rebellion murdered His own Son; and He has not kept the "visible Church" from descending into the same morass of wickedness to which we are witnesses in the present time. If history tells us anything, it tells us that, in the wisdom of God, God does not keep His creation from incremental, and persistent, decay.

However, there is another reality that God has revealed out of His wisdom: He preserves His own as individuals. Remember the complaint of Elijah and God's response to him (Romans 11:4) and the promise of Jesus that no one can pluck the believer out of the hand of God (John 10:28-29).

In our study this evening we are going to look into Jesus' response to those leaders of the nation so that we may see what is really going on.

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