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Topic: Message Outlines: Chapter 7 (Include Audio)

Romans 7:7-12 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 7 Paragraph # 2 Study # 2
February 6, 2007
Lincolnton, N.C.
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Thesis:   The "death" of Sin exists where there is an ignorance of the will of God.

Introduction:   In our study last week we spent most of our time attempting to make one thing clear: God's "intention" in the giving of the Law was to "reveal" both Himself and His short- and long-term commitments. This "intention" had several "necessary secondary elements", one of which was the "revelation" of God's absolute antagonism to "Sin" in terms of retaliation (vengeance). The net result of this particular secondary element was the "declaration" that anyone who sinned would suffer the wrath of God. This element shines brightly as "justice". A second of the "necessary secondary elements" was God's absolute commitment to His plan for a Kingdom inhabited by certain of the sons of Adam. This element shines brightly as "promise". The one thing most necessary for our understanding is this: God never "intended" that His "Law" be twisted from its identity as "revelation" into a futile identity as "regulation". That is a completely futile "intention" that cannot exist in the omniscient wisdom of God Who, above all, knows that, in the presence of Sin, "revelation" serves as a catalyst for an explosive growth of sin. Given these realities, there are two questions. First, how does this work? How does the revelation of God's nature and plans set the stage for an explosive growth of Sin? And, second, why, then, did God tell us anything about His nature and plans? If revelation is a catalyst for the explosive growth of sin, why reveal?

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