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Topic: Chapter 6: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 6:30-44 (8)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 4 Study # 8
January 18, 2022
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Jesus' "blessing" and "breaking" of the loaves was for the specific purpose of giving The Twelve a foundation for their "keeping of His commandments".

Introduction:   Throughout the New Testament, the behavior of the disciples of Jesus is critical to their fruitfulness. There are other, more important, themes (because of the ability of men to "fake it"), but the fruitfulness of the disciples is tied to their behavior, once the more important issues are in place. The "more important issues" are "Love" and "Truth", but, once in place, behavior, driven by a proper motivation and faith-roots in divine truth, is critical.

Thus, the records of the "feeding of the five thousand" (all four of them) are crucial, being the only "sign" Jesus did that is recorded in all four Gospels. Since John, the lone hold-out on most of the activities of Jesus (His record is totally unique in respect to Jesus' miraculous "signs" except for the "signs" of the feeding, the walk on water, and His resurrection), greatly expands the issue of the feeding of the five thousand in His "Bread of Life" discourse, we simply must see this miraculous event as a critical event for the learning of the disciples of Jesus.

Thus, we have carefully looked into the details Mark gives us, and have considered the implications for The Twelve. At root is Mark's casting of this miraculous event in terms of Jesus as The Shepherd Who is preparing The "Apostles" for their "under-shepherd" activities of the future. Key to this preparation is the truth of how the behavior of The Apostles is going to be generated in terms of Jesus' instructions. His "You give to them to eat" is a kind of "bottom line" for Life and Fruitfulness in that it addresses the HOW? question in respect to the impossibilities of the task of action taken in the light of Love and Faith. It not only keeps "repentance" in focus by forcing the recognition that our "task" is impossible for us, but it also reveals the commitment of Jesus to us and to those works which He "before ordained that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10). Thus, humility and faith are the foundations of our living.

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