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Topic: Chapter 6: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 6:14-29 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 3 Study # 2
November 9, 2021
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Prophecy's value is undermined when it is given a faulty interpretation.

Introduction:   In our study of Mark's introduction to Herod last week, we saw that Mark deliberately focused upon Herod's identity as a "king", when, in reality, he was only a tetrarch, and an illegitimate one at that. I attempted to make the point that this focus upon "being a king" is an extremely dangerous focus because it targets the biblical concept of God as the only true King.

There is a very large underbelly of deceit in the hearts of all men that most men never even "see", let alone see as a danger. It is much like the hidden vastness of a massive iceberg which is both unseen and ill-considered, and woe to all who seek to go through life simply pursuing the "good things" and never consider just how dangerous is our setting. As an illustration, this past week there was a news blurb about one of our most advanced submarines which collided with an undersea obstacle that was "uncharted". The commander of the submarine was relieved of duty and his military career has been destroyed simply because he did not make good use of all of the phenomenal technology that has the ability to "see" in the murk of the deep sea. The point? All men have the superficial knowledge of those tools of life that will enable them to "see" truth and "make good decisions", but few stay alert in the midst of their false sense of security so that when they see the tip of the iceberg they immediately take action to avert the looming disaster.

This evening I want to look into Mark's record of Herod's extreme foolishness by looking at how Mark presented far better alternatives regarding the identity of Jesus than the one upon which Herod settled.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.