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Topic: Luke's Perspective of Jesus: Ch. 3 Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Luke 3:7-14 (5)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 3 Paragraph # 2 Study # 5
March 5, 2006
Lincolnton, N.C.
(Download Audio)


Thesis:  The "ax" (God's instrument of elimination from His orchard) is being applied to the root of the trees on the basis of the "united doctrines" of the "snakiness of man" and the "graciousness of God in Jesus as God's Christ".

Introduction:  We have been looking into the message of God through John as he came into prominence in Judea somewhere around A.D. 26 according to our calendar. We have seen that he came on the scene with a relatively "radical" message in terms of its contrast to the "standard Jewish theology" that was prevalent in his day. Standard Jewish theology was all about two "united doctrines": the Justice of God and the Free Will of Man. The inevitable result of these "united doctrines" was pictured by the wilderness into which all had to go in order to hear John preach. That inevitable result was a split reality. On one hand, there were those whose faith in the theology turned them into towering hypocrites of incredible arrogance -- the inevitable result of "faith" in "free will" in the face of divine Justice. These were pictured by the mountains. And on the other hand, there were those whose faith in the theology buried them in an incredible avalanche of despair -- the inevitable result of "faith" in "divine Justice" in the face of free will. These were pictured by the valleys. John's "radical" message was also a doctrine of two "united doctrines". On the one hand, he declared a pronounced doctrine of the "effective grace of Yahweh" Who was willing to "forgive" both the roots and fruits of the "united doctrines" of apostate Israel. And on the other hand he declared a pronounced doctrine of the "snakiness of Man" as essentially a snake in need of regeneration, not reform.

This morning we are going to dive into another aspect of John's message: his declaration that the ax is already being applied to the roots of the trees. What did he mean?

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.