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Topic: Message Outlines: Chapter 5 (Include Audio)

Romans 5:12-21 (7)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 5 Paragraph # 2 Study # 7
May 30, 2006
Lincolnton, N.C.
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Thesis:   Our "future" is critical to our "present".

Introduction:   We have been looking into Paul's insistence that we come to grips with the "in Adam" reality -- that our participation in Adam's sin was as real as our participation in the results. We are all subject to "Death" because we all "sinned". We all continue to sin because we are "sinners". But, we are also supposed to come to grips with the "in Christ" reality -- that our participation in Christ's righteousness is as real as our participation in the results. We are "alive" because we "obeyed". We do what is right because we are "saints".

We have been looking at Paul's emphatic declaration that this "similarity" between Adam and Christ as those who determined the "nature" of their respective "humanities" needs to have a very careful "distinction" in our mind: Adam's "offence" is significantly distinct from God's "charisma" in Jesus in the area of "impact" (Death and Life are extremely different) and "degree" (Death is large, but Life is "much larger").

That the "similarity" stands with this significant distinction seems to set us up for some "expectations". We would think that, since we "die" without effort because Adam's nature is ours, we would "live" without effort because Christ's nature is ours. We would think that, since "Life" is "much more" than "Death", we would have more "Life" than "Death". But, the opposite is our experience: we "fight" to live and we have enough defeats to make us wonder about the victories. So, we continue to approach the text with a significant question: when does the text's "reality" become our experience? And, if that experience is not "now", what is the point of telling us about it "now"? So, we continue to follow Paul's explanation as he gives it in 5:17.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.