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Topic: Chapter 5: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 5:21-43 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 5 Paragraph # 2 Study # 2
February 8, 2021
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Mark's use of Jairus is extremely significant as an example of the "non-negotiable": Faith.

Introduction:   In our studies we have seen that Mark has established the answer to the "Who is This?" question by his record of the exorcism of thousands of unclean spirits all at once. In our last study we saw that, having established the identity of Jesus as "Lord" (Yahweh), Mark turns to the next most crucial issue in the "with Him" section of Jesus' discipling of The Twelve: Believing.

Jesus, in this sub-section of Mark, is presented by Mark as The Mighty One Who is preparing The Twelve for their ministries of proclamation. According to 3:14-15 it was Jesus' intention to send The Twelve out to proclaim His message and to be able to cast out demons. In order to be able to do those two things, The Twelve had to have the answer to the "Who is This?" question, and they had to have the confidence that they could effectively command unclean spirits. In one fell swoop, Mark told how Jesus both established His identity as Yahweh and His authority over the world of the unclean spirits by casting thousands of them out at one time.

Then, Mark immediately turned to the next most pressing issue of "proclamation/exorcism": What shall we say when we go forth to proclaim and cast out demons in regard to what the people should do? Mark's answer is both simple and complex: Believe Him and His Gospel.

In order to make this point, Mark immediately chose to record three events: the 'story within a story' account (of both Jairus' daughter's resuscitation and the instant healing of the woman who had had a hemorrhage of blood for twelve years) and the unbelief of Nazareth.

The first of these events is introduced by the coming of one of the rulers of the synagogue to seek a large favor from Jesus, and it is this event to which we turn our attention this evening.

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This is article #206.
If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.