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Topic: Galatians Chapter Four: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Galatians 4:1-7 (5)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 4 Paragraph # 1 Study # 5
July 8, 2012
Dayton, Texas
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Thesis:   Redemption required the Redeemer to have an actual participation in "humanity".

Introduction:   In our last study we focused upon the fact that God had an "outside of time" plan to solve for us our bondage to the Justice of a law set forth by angels who had no concept of the mercy or grace of God. In that study we considered some of the implications of a "fulness of time" that took 4,000 years to arrive. In Paul's terminology, the solution consisted of providing a Redeemer Who could redeem those who were "under law". But there are two aspects to the kind of "redemption" that God had in mind. On one hand, there was the provision of a Substitute Who could, as Paul phrased it in 3:13, "become a curse for us" so that the Law was brought to an absolute futility in terms of administering justice. But on the other hand, there also had to be some kind of provision that would actually prevent the need for an intervention of Justice. What good is a redemption that does not do anything about the Sin that so antagonizes Justice that It created an eternal Lake of Fire to satisfy itself? To ask it another way, how "heavenly" is Heaven going to be if redemption simply allows sinners to escape Justice and does not stop their sinning? So, we can anticipate the direction of Paul's teaching in regard to the "fulness of time" of God's plan for redemption: he will need to establish the credentials of a Redeemer Who can bring the Law's function of administering justice to an absolute futility; and he will need to establish the impact of redemption that can make the Law's focus upon Justice completely unnecessary.

In our study this evening we are going to look into the first part of that teaching: the credentials of an effective Redeemer.

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