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Topic: Chapter 4: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 4:30-32

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 4 Paragraph # 7 Study # 1
July 7, 2020
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   The final parable addresses the potency of the Word of God.

Introduction:   We spent a lot of time (since January 14: 18 individual studies) considering Jesus' teaching by the use of parables. This evening we come to the last of Mark's record of Jesus' parables. This last one, like the one we considered last week, is deliberately focused on the larger audience and not just to the disciples. In that parable we saw that "The Kingdom of The God" was likened to a man who "cast a sowing" upon his field (earth) and that "earth" brought forth its harvest apart from any special application of knowledge by the man. The point was that it was not because of the man's knowledge that the harvest came; it was in spite of it. The man's sole responsibility consisted of "casting a sowing upon the earth". This did mean that he had the knowledge involved in that "casting". What was "cast" was, as in the first parable, The Word of God. It was, however, the "earth" that produced the harvest automatically.

Thus, we conclude that the point of that parable is that the "harvest" is the result of the condition of the earth upon which the "casting" was made. This is, actually, a reaffirmation of the overall force of the very first parable: the fruitfulness of the seed is significantly dependent upon the condition of the "landing place" upon which the seed falls.

This evening we shall see that the last parable that Mark chose to record (there were others, as 4:33-34 attest) turns from the issue of "fruitfulness by reason of the good earth" to the other half of the issue of fruitfulness: the potency of the "seed" that is sown.

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