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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Fourteen: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 14:13-23 (11)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 14 Paragraph # 2 Study # 11
July 18, 2021
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   The "Faith" that pleases God is a "Love" based yielding to the revealed aspect of the purposes of God.

Introduction:   In our studies of Paul's teaching regarding how we are to relate to one another when there are relatively deep differences of understanding regarding "baggage things" that came with us into "The Faith", we have seen that there are two essentials involved: a legitimate valuation of a matter regarding the brother with whom we have a difference of understanding; and a single-hearted pursuit of a clear conscience regarding our responses to God and our interactions with men. These are not simple matters, but they are necessary ones.

We have also seen that the root of these differences, at one level, is a flawed grasp of "The Faith" as a message of "Grace" and, at another level, a flawed grasp of "The Love" as the motivation for our actions. Under all of the "flaws" is the misunderstanding of the essence of The Kingdom of The God, with a focus upon the identity of "believers" as "slaves" of The King, and a corollary misunderstanding of the proper objective of the slave: the pursuit of the things of the Peace and the things which Build one another.

Thus, we have come to a very basic demand that arises out of these problematic issues. We have already seen the first statement of this demand in the "chiasm" at the point of 14:15b: Do not destroy that one for whom Christ died for the sake the exercise of personal "freedoms". Now we see the same demand in restatement in our study this evening of 14:20a.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.