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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Fourteen: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 14:13-23 (6)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 14 Paragraph # 2 Study # 6
June 6, 2021
Humble, Texas
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Thesis:   Living in harmony with another person's conscience has "Love" based boundaries rooted in the desire to actually help others to become more "loving" and "believing".

Introduction:   In all of our studies of this unit of thought so far, we have seen that Paul has an over-arching focus of attention: in all of our decision-making, deciding to not offend or scandalize "the brother" is of a major concern. In Paul's wording in 14:13, he makes "making judgments" a matter of particular concern. This is the particular weakness of the "diseased" brother who has a poor understanding of the grace of God; making "being critical of others" a fault in those whose grasp of grace is undeveloped. But, in his call for "making this decision" (to not offend or scandalize the brother), he addresses the brother who has a significantly better grasp of how to respond to the grace of God. Thus, he establishes a basic principle: every believer has the same responsibilities whether he/she is "diseased" or healthy in his/her grasp of "The Faith". In other words, no one is given permission to violate the most basic principle of the Kingdom: "walking according to the standard of Love". The relationships of the Kingdom are always a two-way street, meaning everyone is such a relationship has the primary responsibility to do his/her own part. In our paragraph, the brother who has a better grasp of "The Faith" is responsible to curb his tendency to look down on the one who has a flawed grasp, and the brother who has a flawed grasp is responsible to curb his tendency to "criticize and condemn" the one who acts out his "freedoms" that "The Faith" affords to him.

In the study for this evening, we are going to see that Paul is focused primarily upon the brother who has a better grasp of "The Faith". To him he says, "Stop creating situations in which "your good" is "blasphemed". We are going to attempt to understand what he means.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.