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Topic: Romans 9-11 Chapter Eleven: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 11:25-32 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 11 Paragraph # 5 Study # 1
April 14, 2019
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   It is possible that the Gentile turn from "faith in grace" to "faith in one's own capacities" is rooted in a lack of information.

Introduction:   In our studies of the former paragraph we have seen that Paul is concerned with what he is seeing and hearing among the Gentiles who have "believed" the Gospel. What he is seeing and hearing is a strong antagonism toward those "branches" of the "tree" of God's people that have been "violently broken off" of that "tree". That antagonism, he says, is being expressed in a present, and on-going, "boastfulness" (11:18), which is an "attitude of superiority", and it is rooted in a "shift" of "faith" from "the root carries you" to a "I carry the root". This is foolishness on the face of it, but it indicates that the "boastful" think their reception of benefits from the root is because of what they have done.

He is, also, seeing and hearing a strong expression of a present, and on-going, "high mindedness" (11:20), which is an "attitude of self-importance" which is also rooted in a "shift of faith" from "my faith is in the Gospel" to "my faith is in how much more important to God I am than they". This is also patently foolish as Deuteronomy 9:4-6 reveals. Paul acknowledges that God is "pleased" with the "faith" the Gentiles had exercised in the Gospel as an outworking of God's "kindness" in bringing them to "repentance" (Note the key text found in Acts 11:18), and he acknowledges that God is significantly "displeased" with the disbelief of the Jews in regard to their own "lack of the humility that is an essential aspect of repentance". But, he claims that, in the presence of both "antagonism" and an "overweening self-importance", there is a grave possibility that their "faith in grace" is being/has been subverted because "grace" is no longer in the picture.

This evening we are beginning a new paragraph, but not a new "problem". What we shall see is that though the "problem" is, basically, the same, there is a new "solution".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.