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Topic: Romans 6-8 Chapter Eight: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 8:31-39 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 8 Paragraph # 5 Study # 1
June 25, 2017
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   God is "for" us.

Introduction:   As we begin our study of the last paragraph in Romans 8, we are approaching the conclusion of Paul's teaching on sanctification. A quick perusal of the paragraph reveals a rather rapid-fire set of seven questions within an overall setting of "the love of God" that is focused upon the death of Christ, His resurrection, and His post-resurrection establishment at the right hand of God where He makes intercession for us.

This evening we are going to look into the first two of these seven questions.

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This is article #102.
If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.