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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Fourteen: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 14:1-12 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 14 Paragraph # 1 Study # 2
February 7, 2021
Humble, Texas
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Thesis:   Operating on a "Love" basis means addressing the underlying attitudes that cause "loveless" rejection of others for no good cause.

Introduction:   In biblical Christianity, "harmony between believers" is a highly valued condition. Philippians 3:15 is just one of several New Testament exhortations that put a premium upon "receiving one another". It is this "high value" in "Love" that underwrites Paul's words in Romans 14:1-12.

Therefore, we are going to spend some time considering those words, both this evening, and in the days to come as we have opportunity.

In our introductory study last week, we looked into the actual meaning of Paul's exhortation to the Roman believers to "accept" those who are "diseased" in The Faith. In that study we considered that Paul was not advocating mere "tolerance", but, rather, an enthusiastic welcome into fellowship. We also considered that one should not "reject" another simply because the "other" was going to cause problems down the road. Then we considered that Paul's "enthusiastic welcome" was not to be "for" (as an objective) the purpose of "changing the minds of the other".

We also saw that this issue is not without its own problems, especially in the light of the "balancing" reality of exhortations that insist upon refusing an enthusiastic welcome to certain ones, one of which exists in the larger context of this very passage (16:17). Our primary observation was this: Paul is only addressing situations where the conflicts might arise when the "at issue" behavior is, as a behavior, morally neutral. Those who are "diseased in The Faith", whose behavior(s) is/are actually not morally neutral, are not in view in this text/context.

Therefore, we are going to go into Paul's exhortations to both those who are "healthy" in respect to their grasp of "The Faith", and to those who are "diseased".

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