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Topic: Chapter 2: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 2:13-17 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 2 Paragraph # 2 Study # 2
July 30, 2019
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   Mark's record of the scribal opposition to Jesus is a revelation of seriously hypocritical men whose deeply seated jealousy of His popularity forced them into a completely untenable attempt to make Him out to be unworthy of men's willingness to be disciples.

Introduction:   In our first consideration of this paragraph we noted that Mark presented Jesus as duplicating His original behavior in summoning men into His discipleship program as recorded in 1:16-20. We also saw that he added the newer thesis that Jesus' popularity was growing exponentially. And, we saw that Mark deliberately inserted the "Levi thesis", which had to do with the downside of "performance theology": the rebellion of despair. As we have noted on multiple occasions, this "despair" issue is one of two deeply involved in the main message of "repentance". Mark's "point" was very likely that Jesus' "grace" ministry was to find its most fruitful results among those whose understanding of "Law" was correct: condemnation (Romans 3:19). "Levi" was the "third" son of a hopelessly legalistic mother and his impact over the years was to establish "Law" as the way to relate to God. Thus, the original "Levi" set Israel up for the two attitudes that called for "repentance", and this latter day "Levi" became the poster child of those who recognized that if "Law" is the way to relate to God, "hopelessness" rules the day. These are those who wallow in the valleys of despair.

Now, this evening we are going to look at how Mark pivots to the other side of the message of repentance by looking into those "Levites" who took the "mountains of arrogance" approach to life.

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