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Topic: Chapter 2: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 2:1-12 (4)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 2 Paragraph # 1 Study # 4
June 11, 2019
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   "Forgiveness of sins" is a far more potent concept than what is presented throughout the culture of modern day "Christendom".

Introduction:   In our study last time, we put the focus of our thinking upon the declaration by Mark that Jesus "saw their faith" as a statement of the "human" side of the promise that "repentance will result in the forgiveness of sins". In that study we noted that, as we would expect, the concept of "faith" is greatly distorted and confused in our day (we do, after all, have a wily adversary who always "goes for the jugular" by corrupting the very meaning of words so that we cannot understand if we do not have a legitimate definition in mind). Secondly, we argued that the very first issue of "faith" is "content" (without a commitment from God, rooted in either His character, or, more characteristically, His words, there can be no "faith"). Thirdly, we saw that "faith" in the Bible always produces a response by God in harmony with His promise(s), so that if the thing "believed" does not come to pass, "faith" was not involved. And, something we did not discuss, but is helpful in understanding, is the fact that the "response by God" is sometimes "outside" of the actions of the "believer" and sometimes it is "within" the believer unto his/her actions.

This evening we are going to look a bit closer at the "divine side" of the larger issue. The larger issue is the intention of God in making both "repentance" and "forgiveness of sins" key aspects of one issue: the reunion of God and man in harmonious relationship across the board in terms of both "love" as the key "agenda" word and "faith" as the key "methodology" word. For man to be "reconciled to God" he has to accept the "Love" of God as his "agenda-guide" and the "Truth" of God as his "pursuit-method".

Thus, the "divine" side is "forgiveness of sins" as the pump-priming element for living in the "Life" of God.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.