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Topic: Chapter 2: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 2:1-12 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 2 Paragraph # 1 Study # 2
May 28, 2019
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Jesus' confrontation of the false "T"heology of the synagogue attracted "four" who were bringing a paralyzed man to Him as an indication of their rejection of that "T"heology.

Introduction:   In our first study of this paragraph, we saw that Mark was "setting the stage" for another confrontation of the "T"heology of the synagogue by his references to a second "Capernaum"/"house" event, by his use of "synagogued" (the verb translated by the Authorized Version as "gathered together": sunechthesan from sunago), and by the focus upon the size of the crowd as an indication of His "popularity" as the sore point with the "theologians of the synagogue". That "T"heology was not about Jesus' "authority" as an indication of His representation of "God", but about His "compassion" as an indication of the critical "glory" of "God". The "T"heology of the synagogue was, fundamentally, "legal" and, therefore, "lacking in compassion" (there is no room in the law for compassion simply because any "compassion" is going to frustrate "justice"). Jesus' purpose in His confrontation was to bring together the issues of "authority" (with its judicial overtones -- "Law" is the underlying force of "authority") and "compassion" (with its intense concern for the plight of the "unjust" -- the "just" have no "plight"; "they that are whole have no need of a physician").

This evening we are going to pursue what Mark told us and why.

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