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Topic: James 4 (Include Audio)

James 4:1-10 (9)

by Darrel Cline

Study # 69
January 27, 1999
Harlingen, Texas
(Download Audio)

Thesis:James calls upon those who have been attempting to force their will upon others to deliberately stop.

Introduction:Last week we saw that James calls for a cleansing of the hands (i.e., a correction of the actions of offense to others) and a purification of the heart (i.e., a determination to put God solidly at the core of our values) so that God may draw near to us. In that study we attempted to clarify what we should expect when we "draw near to God" and we concluded that we should not read our human closeness into the promise of divine closeness (i.e., we will not likely hear voices, feel touches, or see visions of glory).

Instead, we will have an undergirding of peace, and a clarification of Truth that gives us a sense of freedom with God and sacrifice for men.

This evening we are going to focus a bit more upon the process of what James calls "drawing near to God". We have seen that he has called upon us to "cleanse our hands and purify our hearts". This evening we are going to see that he includes in that a call to a very sober consideration of the meaning of spiritual adultery.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.