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Topic: Chapter 3: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 3:22-36 (6)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 3 Paragraph # 2 Study # 6
January 21, 2024
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  There is only One Who is genuinely "believable" when He "speaks", and "disbelief" regarding His words is absolutely inexcusable.

Introduction:  In our look into Witness-John's words in John 3:29-30 we saw that his disciples needed his correction regarding their "loyalty" to him because they were confusing the issue of just who the "bridegroom" is and who is merely His "friend". Those disciples had witnessed John's declaration that Jesus was the One to whom all loyalty belongs, but they had written that off when push came to shove. They had a secret agenda -- to retain the glory they possessed by being a "disciple" of a validated messenger of God -- and they were disgruntled because their "Rabbi's" light was beginning to dim and that meant theirs was also.

There is a major issue here: it is the issue of "loyalty". And beneath that issue is a more significant one: the issue of "believability". And, actually, there are a ragged host of other more significant issues than simple believability -- including the issue of "love" (What is valuable?"), the issue of "Life" (only when what is valuable is pursued by belief can "Life" result), the issue of "Death" (Jesus brought this issue into play in 3:18), the issue of how "good works" actually come into being through men of flesh (Jesus also brought this into play in 3:21), and the issue of what happens to men because of what they "do" in a cause-and-effect universe).

In the face of this host of "other issues", this morning we are going to look into the one which Witness-John put into words regarding what must be "believed".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.