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Topic: Chapter 3: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 3:1-21 (8)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 3 Paragraph # 1 Study # 8
September 17, 2023
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  God's motivation for providing a solution to man's "sin-unto-death" dilemma is His "Love", a complex reality.

Introduction:  In our study last week we focused our attention upon the difference between the Israelites' "look" at the brass serpent on a pole in the midst of the camp, and the "look" unto Jesus that brings the ultimate solution to man's "death because of sin". The Israelites had only to turn their physical eyes to the serpent to receive physical healing from the bite of the venomous serpents; but the provision by God of Jesus as One "lifted up" in a similitude to the serpent being "lifted up" has a critical requirement not imposed upon the Israelites: this requirement, according to Romans 10:9-10, is that of a "heart-faith" (as opposed to any lesser kind of "belief"). John calls this "heart-faith" "believing into Jesus" or "believing into His name".

Now, this morning I want to move on into John 3:16. This verse begins with "For", which means that it is going to be some kind of explanation of something that is involved in God's grant of "eternal life" through Jesus, His Lamb, Who takes up the sin of the world. As we look at the verse, we see that the explanation is of the motivation of God for providing a solution to the Death that Sin brings upon men.

Before we move into the verse itself, though, I want to make note of the "problem" of the "theological constructs of men" that are often used like a six ton elephant that is guided into stepping on some disagreeable varmint. Picture, if you will, a "theologian" bringing his six ton theological construct with him everywhere he goes in the Bible and using it to stamp out any and all bible verses that do not agree with his construct. I read one such, so-called, theologian who flatly denied that God "loved the world" because the Bible says "God hates the wicked". So, instead of allowing the verse to have its place in the infinite wisdom of God, this "theologian" misinterpreted the word "world" as "the world of God's elect" -- with no more justification than the imposition of his "philosophical theories" about God's "Love" and how it does not apply to unsaved people.

The net result of this kind of six ton theology being used to pervert the words of God is that people are led into such a twisting of the Truth that they develop a false concept of God Himself and, consequently, suffer from the perverted concept that such twisting creates. It is easy enough to resist this kind of twisting: Matthew 5:43-48 totally denies the perverse denial of men who value their theology more than the words of God. He cannot require of us more than He does of Himself.

Now, having gotten that off my chest, let's look into Jesus' declaration that God's motivation for providing a solution to man's "Death" because of "Sin".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.