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Topic: Message Outlines: Chapter 1 (Include Audio)

Romans 1:18-32 (4)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 4 Study # 4
July 27, 2004
Lincolnton, N.C.
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Thesis:   What was it that man discovered about God that he didn't "like" so that he determined to rebel against Him?

Introduction:   In our study last week we considered that one of the basic reasons for the expression of the wrath of God from heaven was that man does what he does, in attempting to keep Truth from having its beneficial impact upon creation, in direct and deliberate opposition to his certain knowledge of the power and personality of God. Paul told us that the knowledge is certain because God made sure that men knew it. He then told us that the knowledge was particularly focused upon two foundations that are rooted in the character of God. The first foundation is God's omnipotence: power is eternal. The second foundation was more difficult for translation, but it boils down to God's personhood: God is a Person, not a 'thing'. Now, the logic is this: man knows that there is a Person of Unrestricted Power over him and responsible for his being as a creature and, thus, that he, as a creature, is under absolute responsibility to be in glad submission to Him. This is basic knowledge and every person "has" it. There is no rational escape from it. Jesus made reference to this universally recognized truism when He said "Every kingdom divided against itself will come to desolation" in Luke 11:17. It is as clear as it can be to every thoughtful person in the universe that no kingdom can stand if it is not at peace with itself. When the question is raised, "Whose "vision" for the kingdom is to be the vision to which all must subscribe?", there can only be one legitimate answer: the rightful owner's. Paul, in one fell swoop, justified the outpouring of the wrath of God upon man for his intentional rebellion against the Owner of the Kingdom because, he says, man knows he is "creature" and God is "owner". Logically, even if God was of the character of the devil, all of that which He creates yet owes Him an undivided loyalty in submission on the basis of rationality alone.

Now, this evening, in light of Paul's second explanation for the outpouring of the wrath of God as given in 1:20, we are going to raise this question: Why did man refuse to "glorify the God as 'God'?" That man has refused to own the God as God is undisputable fact in the light of history, but there exists a prior question: Why? What did man discover about the "glory" of "the God" that caused him to take up an intentional and determined rebellion against Him?

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