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Topic: Chapter 3: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 3:1-21 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 3 Paragraph # 1 Study # 2
July 30, 2023
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  The most critical meaning of Jesus' response to Nicodemus is that "to see the Kingdom of God, one must start over".

Introduction:  In our last study, as we began to pursue chapter three in the Gospel of John, we saw that Author-John used four characterizations of Nicodemus to attempt to get us to realize just what his major "problem" was. In four descriptive terms, Author-John told us that this night-visitor to Jesus was defining "Life" in terms of the mechanism called "dominion". He told us that Nicodemus was an enlightened man who was being challenged by God, the Enlightener, to leave the darkness for the Light. He told us that the man's name, Nicodemus, means "A dominator of others". He told us that Nicodemus, a man consumed by the darkness of seeking dominion over others, was, in fact, "a ruler of the Jews", which means that he had spent his life in the pursuit of that "position". And, He told us that Nicodemus was "the teacher of Israel", meaning that he held the long-sought status of "the man who has the answers to all things theological". In summary, then, we see that Nicodemus was completely chewed up by his lust for status among men. Thus, this morning we are going to look into the first words out of Jesus' mouth when confronted by such a person: unless a person is "born again" he/she cannot see the Kingdom of God.

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