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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 34 - Why the Spirit was Given - Walking by the Spirit - Part 1

by Darrel Cline

Ephesians 1:13
Beyond The Covenants Of The Promise
Broadlands Bible Church
June 21, 2023
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  The Spirit was given for good reasons.

Introduction:  With these notes we are going to wrap up our series on the provisions God has made to enable us to experience the quality of existence known as eternal life. These provisions boil down to two: a promise undergirded by specific covenants; and a promise undergirded by a specific Spirit. In our last set of notes we looked into the methodology of the Spirit as He moves to make the life of Jesus manifest through our bodies. From what we have seen thus far, it should be apparent that the Spirit is abundantly willing and capable of making Jesus manifest through us. The problematical issue is the part we play in that process. To quote the apostle Paul, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels." The bottom line of the part we play is couched in the terms faith and unbelief. But, up a notch or two off of that bottom line, we have considered the reality that the most problematical issue for us is the resistance that wells up within us to the Covenants and the Spirit. In our study last week we saw that we have an internal enemy called the Law of Sin in our members which/who is willing to wage war by deceitful methods in order to deceive our minds so that we are brought into captivity to Sin. We are not passive in this warfare, but neither are we sufficient for it. Our sufficiency is the Spirit of Christ Who has become, for us, a new internal Husband who is wedded to our souls. If we are passive in the conflict, we will find ourselves committing a form of spiritual adultery that consists of our permission to allow the old man to reassert himself unto the production of evil through the members of our bodies. On the other hand, if we remain steadfastly loyal to our new husband (this is the issue of faith/unbelief), we will find that He will assert Himself to produce righteousness through the members of our bodies. Our study this evening has to do with this issue of steadfast loyalty.

There are three basic commands given to us to address this loyalty issue. The first is "walk by the Spirit of Jesus Who is within you" (Galatians 5:16, 25). The second is "grieve not the Holy Spirit of Jesus Who is within you" (Ephesians 4:30). The third is "quench not the Spirit of Jesus Who is within you" (1 Thessalonians 5:19).

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.