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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Twelve: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 12:9-21 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 12 Paragraph # 4 Study # 2
February 16, 2020
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Abhorring and clinging: the essential attitudes of unhypocritical Love.

Introduction:   In our last study we looked into Paul's second major exhortation that is rooted in the "life of the sacrificed body". When Paul called for our presentation of our bodies to "The God" on the basis of His "compassionate mercies", he had the particulars of how such a life would be used of God in mind. Thus, once he issued the summons, he immediately turned to the particulars of how such a life should be lived in respect to the "stewardship" of our possession of "grace-gifts" from God which are designed to be used for the edification of His Church.

Now, having given a kind of comprehensive overview of that "stewardship of grace" in the form of a high-lighting of seven of the more dominant "gifts", he has turned to the most fundamental issue of the "life of the sacrificed body": motivation. In regard to "motivation", the most basic bottom line is the issue of "Love" as an expression of the most critical of the attributes of God. Addressing that, Paul said we are to be "unhypocritical". This is not "perfect", as in "fully developed". Rather, it is "restrained as to claims made": we are to honestly live by the particular level of the Love of God to which the Spirit has brought us. In other words, we should never claim to "love" another beyond the reality of how much we actually "love" that other, nor should we attempt to hide the actual love of God for another that resides in our souls. In other words, we are to be openly frank about our commitments to one another as to "degree". Thus, we should never say to another, "I can't live without you", nor should we say, "I don't need you".

This evening we are going to go further into this concept of living by an unhypocritical love by looking into Paul's "attending participles": "abhorring" and "clinging".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.