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Topic: Chapter 2: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 2:1-11 (4)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 2 Paragraph # 1 Study # 4
June 25, 2023
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  "Biblical Faith" has three major characteristics: 1) Understanding through "manifestation"; 2) Confidence in the truthfulness of the content understood; and 3) Endurance in the face of severe trials.

Introduction:  In our studies of Author-John's record of the reasons we ought to "believe" that Jesus of Nazareth is everything the record declares of Him, we have seen that the most critical issue for us is the issue of that "believing".

It is a tragic fact that a significant number of biblical words have, over the last two thousand years, been twisted into their opposites so that the words now, often, signify the exact opposite of what they meant when the Bible was being written. All three of the three most crucial issues for men as Paul declared it in 1 Corinthians 13:13 have suffered this reality. "Faith" is no longer "biblical faith"; "Hope" is no longer "biblical hope"; and "Love" is no longer "biblical love". "Faith" today is easily seen in the use of that word when the person using it means his/her opinion might have some credibility. "Hope" today is easily seen in the use of that word when the person using it means the thing "hoped" for is only a longing with, perhaps, some level of possibility attached. And "Love" today is severely twisted into "I love you because of all the things you do for me".

So, because Author-John made the statement in 2:11 that those disciples that were with Jesus at the wedding in Cana "believed into Him", and this is the first of John's "signs" for the purpose of "belief" as he gives it at the end of his Gospel, we are going to look into the specific concepts that are attached to "faith" when that idea is addressed in the Bible.

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