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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Twelve: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 12:6-8 (7)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 12 Paragraph # 3 Study # 7
January 19, 2020
Humble, Texas
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Thesis:   The "gift" of "ruling" has to do with the actual "enforcement" of Paul's instructions to the churches.

Introduction:   As we have seen in our studies to this point, Paul is concerned with the believers living out the "sacrificial life" that he called for at the beginning of this chapter. In particular, he is concerned that this "life" take on its most fundamental purpose for being: adopting God's concern for His Church, and accepting the fact that He has given to each of us a way to be useful to Him in the expression of that concern. This is no small "subject" in that the Word of God teaches that He is going to hold us accountable in the day of His "settling" of each believer into his/her eternal participation in His Kingdom of Joy. Our "gift", or "gifts" are to be the focus of our life-pursuits.

This is a very large, and complex, concept that covers "Life" in all of its details. As such, it is far beyond any really comprehensive grasp that any of us will ever achieve. That means that, in the midst of the processes of our living, we simply go to the "roots" that we are given in the Scriptures without too much concern for all of that complexity.

However, we cannot simply dismiss the matter because it is complex beyond measure and shrouded in the fog of living. Rather, we should focus where we can. It is not unclear that Paul has summoned us to "the life of sacrifice" to the mercies of God. This clarity means we can "present ourselves to God" for the renewal of our minds and the subsequent transformation that results. It is also not unclear that the seven "gifts" that Paul has addressed in our text/context have some kind of "comprehensive" character so that the "seven", in some ways, represent "all".

So, in our studies of the "seven", we come to the sixth: the one addressing those who "rule" in the church.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.