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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 28 - The Holy Spirit of the Promise - Part 2

by Darrel Cline

March 8, 2023
Ephesians 1:13
Beyond The Covenants Of The Promise
Broadlands Bible Church
(Download Audio)

These notes are the same as the previous study, but the audio message is a continuation.

Thesis:   The Holy Spirit was given to rachet up the level of our experience of the promise: i.e., relational interaction between the believer and God.

Introduction:  We have spent several months attempting to lay down a foundation for the development of a Biblical Perspective. We have seen that the promise is identified in 1 John 2:25 as eternal life. Because John said it this way, we conclude that he is bringing all of the promises down to their single essential identity: the experience by men of eternal life is the objective of all of the verbal revelation that God has given to men through all of the ages. This objective is the reason God has spoken. There is no other reason.

In our studies over the past several months, we focused our attention on Paul's phrase in Ephesians 2:12: "...strangers to the covenants of the promise...". Under that phrase we considered three major issues: A) We were created as body, spirit, and (resultant) soul as Genesis 2:7 says; B) We, as a race, capitulated to sin (through the temptation recorded in Genesis 3) that was aimed at us as body (good for food), soul (desire of the eyes), and spirit (desirable to make one wise); and C) Abraham, as the father of those who believe, was given three covenant promises to fortify him against temptation and death -- a promise of a land for the concerns of the body, a promise of a seed for the concerns of the soul, and a promise of a great name for the concerns of the spirit.

However, it should go without saying that just because we have a covenant of life revealed to us in words from God does not automatically signal our participation in the life that the particular covenant was designed to produce. There has to be another aspect to God's process that goes beyond highly significant covenant promises. There are too many folks who have heard the words and do not have the life.

Now, at this point -- the realization that words from God are not enough -- most people go looking for the culprit. Why, ask they, are the words insufficient? Is it not, say they, that men simply refuse to accept those words? Well, it is certainly true that men do refuse to accept those words. But is this the reason the words are not enough? The legalist, who lives by the letter (the words), says yes, this is the reason. But, at this point, let's ask another question: what would happen in a man's life if he accepted the words, but nothing else was involved? The answer? Nothing would happen. Paul pointedly says in Romans 7 that he joyfully concurred with the words of God, but that didn't make those words produce life for him (Romans 7:22-23). He said that there was a significant problem that ran roughshod over his joyful concurrence and brought him to a wretched condition! (7:24).

So, beginning this evening, we are going to look into another of Paul's Ephesian phrases. It is the one found in Ephesians 1:13. There Paul writes of "...the Holy Spirit of the Promise...".

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