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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Twelve: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 12:6-8 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 12 Paragraph # 3 Study # 2
November 24, 2019
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   The individual exercise of the "spiritual gifts" is to be both the result of a strong commitment to be used by God and the result of whatever the "measure of faith" happens to be possessed by the individual.

Introduction:   In our first look into this paragraph and its dominant thesis, we saw that the individual "grace gifts" that have been distributed to "each" of us are to be exercised, first, as the out-flow of the "body as a living sacrifice", and, second, as the outflow of our understanding that the "gifts" are the primary "stewardship" imposed upon us and used as the standard of evaluation at the judgment seat of Christ, and, third, as the outflow of whatever "measure of faith" has been granted to us by the Spirit of God.

Now, in our current study, we are going to look into the first of Paul's "examples" of faithful stewardship.

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