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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 26

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
February 15, 2023
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  The New Covenant is God's provision for the susceptibility of the spirit of man to the temptation to seek its exaltation in the eyes of men rather than the heart of God.

Introduction:  In our last study, we began a study of the "New Covenant" as it is presented in Jeremiah 31:31-37. We reviewed the roots of this "covenant" in respect to the Genesis 3 account of the temptation to view God as an enemy who can be frustrated in his "evil designs" upon us by eating the fruit that would provide us with the "wisdom" needed for such an ability. We saw that the "at issue" concept was the accusation that God does not "hold us in true esteem", so that we must seek it from "others". And, we saw that such seeking makes us slaves to the opinions of men regarding us. Not only is this severely damaging to our spirits, but it is totally counter-productive. We will never have a "great name" as an enduring reality on the basis of pitting our "wisdom" against God's and seeking the good opinion of others who are always seeking to surpass us in the opinion-search from others.

This evening we are going to proceed into some more of the "New Covenant"/"Great Name" realities revealed in the Bible.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.