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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 20

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
December 28, 2022
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  The first of "the covenants of The Promise", under the overarching Abrahamic Covenant, is The Palestinian Covenant found in Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20.

Introduction:  So far in our studies of Developing a Biblical Perspective, we have seen that God's words to men have been in accord with two major issues: the way men were created (body, spirit, soul); and the issues of the relational universe. Simultaneous to the physical creation of the material universe was the creation of a relational universe in which the issues of "Life" were paramount. God created man to be His personal representatives in the material universe by being relationally linked together with Him. As soon as the records of the creation of the material universe were recorded, we read that God addressed the issue of man's need to be relationally linked to Him in Love and Faith. The issue was raised by God's prohibition regarding the eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:16-17).

The background of this prohibition was the previous rebellion of a group of angelic persons who determined to contradict the most fundamental aspects of the relational linkage that was to exist between God and His personal creatures. This was a frontal attack upon the principles involved in a relational universe that could operate in harmony. In other words, it was a frontal aggression against The Kingdom of Heaven with the intention of destroying it and replacing it with a Kingdom of Death.

Consequently, the Kingdom of This World was attacked by The Serpent by means of temptation; to seek to break the harmony of the relational link between God and man. He was successful. For this reason, the plans of the Kingdom of Heaven were temporarily set aside so that there could be a reestablishment in man of the twin principles of the Love and Faith that undergird the Kingdom of Heaven. The process has, at this time, taken up a bit over 6,000 years of human history and yet has at least another 1,000 years to go.

At the heart of the recovery program is God's dealings with man according to the issues of his "fall" into the Death of The Kingdom of Death. Those issues involve the three areas of man as he was created and the consequent three problems those areas have produced: the appetites of The Flesh; the dissatisfied longings of the eyes; and the deceitfulness of man's arrogant confidence in his abilities to perceive and defeat his "nefarious" Creator (his confidence in the "wisdom" that the fruit of the forbidden tree was to give him).

God's answer to man's "fall" was "The Promise" by which the temptations of body, soul, and spirit could be overcome. Thus, we have "the Covenants of The Promise". The initial phase of this "answer from God" to the deceits of the Kingdom of Death was what we know as The Abrahamic Covenant. Beneath this Covenant are three subsequent, supporting, covenants: The Land Covenant; the Seed Covenant; and the New Covenant.

This evening we are going to begin a consideration of those supporting covenants. We will begin with "The Land Covenant".

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