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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 1:14-28 (3)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 4 Study # 3
December 4, 2022
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  Believers need to view the circumstances of life as an opportunity to "see" God's "Grace" methodology.

Introduction:  Last week we considered Author-John's first statement regarding the "witness" of the other man named John who was sent from God to bear witness to The Light so that people could be brought to Faith and its result: salvation. In that study we noted the fact that Witness-John's "witness" boiled down to this: The Word is the Infinite God.

This "infinity" is, in a sense, the ultimate "glory" of God. I make this claim because "infinity" establishes the very existence of God and declares that every aspect of His "glory" to be rooted in "infinity". The "I Am" declaration of the existence of God means that God's "existence" is "infinite": He has always existed; He is presently existing; and He shall exist without any end of any kind.

All of the "glory" (attributes) of God is "infinite". "Time" stretched into "infinity" becomes "Eternity". "Power" stretched to "infinity" becomes "Omnipotence". "Knowledge" stretched into "infinity" becomes "Omniscience". Et cetera.

This week we are going to begin to look into the particular focus of this "witness". Witness-John's "witness" is, for this context, limited to 1:15. In 1:16-18 is Author-John's particular focus upon the impact of Witness-John's words.

Thus, in 1:16, Author-John brought Witness-John's words down to what the translators' call "His fulness" as it relates to "Grace". His conclusion is that the absolute infinity of God (the meaning of "His fulness") signals the experience by human beings of what the translators call "Grace Upon Grace".

What "Grace Upon Grace" means is the focus of our attention this morning. What does "out of His fulness we all received, even Grace Upon Grace" mean?

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.