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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 15

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
November 9, 2022
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  The thesis that God's words are for man as he is: a creature of eternity with a body of dust, a functional capacity imparted by a "life giving spirit", and a new identity as "a living soul" is established by the multitude of contexts which follow the pattern of "body, spirit, soul" (not necessarily in that order) throughout God's progressive revelation in the recording of this extensive pattern over the 1600 years (+/-) through verbal and written words.

Introduction:  In our studies to date we have dived into the details that give us a description of man as God created him, because our interpretation of His words absolutely depend upon our understanding of the "setting" into which the words fell. Perhaps the best, and classic, illustration of this fact is the absolute contradiction that exists between the way the people who initially received the words misunderstood them and the way the Jesus, through inspired prophets and apostles, corrected that huge misunderstanding.

We saw a brief statement of this "misunderstanding/correction" presented by the Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:11 last Sunday evening in our Studies in Daniel. In the centuries from the beginning of the writings of Moses until the end of those writings, there was a massive, and progressive, distortion of God's words by the most fundamental of the foundational factors of the "interpretation of words": the overall intention of God in His giving of those words. In one of its briefest statements (the Galatians 3:11 text/context) of this conflict over the "overall purpose of God in speaking to His creation" we see the critical issue: How is the creature of God to be reconciled to his/her Creator in view of the massive infection of men by Sin as given in its first biblical text? In Galatians 3:11 Paul addressed this as a matter of "being justified" by God. In this matter, he set forth the two competing theses: "justification by behaviors generated by The Law" and "justification by the Promise of God believed".

For man, this is the issue and the answers put forth govern how the individual words of God's Word are taken by him. What this means is this: if one's "perspective" of God's purpose for the existence of our Bible is governed by the concept of "righteousness" by means of man's obedience to God's commands, all of the words will be bent to serve that thesis. Alternatively, if one's "perspective" of God's purpose for the existence of our Bible is governed by the concept of "righteousness" by means of God's promise to "impute" righteousness to those who "receive" and "believe" this promise, all of the words will be bent to serve that thesis.

My desire for our study this evening is for us to be able to see just how important it is for our right understanding of God's words to us to be believed within the context of "Promise"/"Faith". I will attempt to make the case by quickly going through several texts that rest upon the thesis that God has spoken to us according to the way we were made in the light of how we were corrupted.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.