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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Revelation 1:4-8 (6)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 2 Study # 6
June 4, 2023
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  We are "kingdom Priests".

Introduction:  In our last study we looked into the issue of Christ's "love" for us and His "release" of us from our sins. We saw that there are three aspects of such "release": the absolute release from the legal retribution that our sins would bring upon us under "Law"; the relative release from the power of sins to disrupt our current lives by both the Law of the Harvest and the active discipline of the Father; and the release from the presence of "sins" in the future, everlasting state of creation.

This evening I want to consider the issue of being "made" both "kingdom" and "priests".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.