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Topic: Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)

Study # 4

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
August 24, 2022
(Download Audio)

Introduction:  In our last study we picked up on the question of why we have a Bible and what substituted for one before the Bible was produced. Our thesis was that we have a Bible because God actually loves us and gave us a "more specific revelation" than what could be found in "general revelation". But, we did that study to include the fact that Moses began to write Genesis somewhere around 1300 to 1500 years before Christ came, but there were 2500 years of human history before Moses. The question was, if God loves us and gave us a "more specific revelation", what about those who never had a written Bible? Did God not "love" them?

We saw that God did not leave Himself without a witness to those who had no organized, written, specific revelation: He gave "revelation" to men by Enoch (as our Bible testifies to us in Jude 14-15 ). Additionally, we are told by Josephus that Seth originated the organization of the stellar heavens into a set of 12 major "houses" of the stars that sit in the path of the Sun in its annual trek through the heavens. To these 12 major "houses", he gave names. He began with "Virgo" and concluded with "Leo". These were "theological names" that correspond to his understanding of the truths that God gave to him. In this compilation of "houses", he collected three additional constellations for each of the major constellations that sit upon the ecliptic of the path of the sun. Thus, there were a total of 48 constellations in Seth's organization of the stellar heavens. And, because he collected the major constellations according to the same "concepts" that are found in Ezekiel and The Book of the Revelation, we are, more or less, compelled to conclude that God had revealed to the ancients the basic theology of the Christ that we now have in a written Bible. The constellations were used by Seth to teach his generation this theology and it was his intention that each succeeding generation of men would pass that theology on to their generations.

However, as is revealed in our Bible, those generations perverted the teachings of Seth and turned them into false theologies that ended up producing the mythologies that were prominent in their days. The polytheism of the Greeks and Romans was the result because, as our Bibles testify, men persistently turn away from the truth of God and begin to worship the "creature rather than the Creator". To this Stephen testified on the day of his martyrdom as given in Acts 7:39-43 . To this also we have Moses' words when he recorded the words of Balaam who mentioned some of the "banner flags" of the tribes and identified them in accordance with Seth's "pictorial organization" of the stellar heavens (Numbers 23:22 -- "the wild Ox" -- (Taurus); Numbers 23:24 -- "As a Lion lifts itself up..." and "As a Lion" again in 24:9 - (Leo); Numbers 24:7 -- "water shall flow from his buckets -- (Aquarius); and Numbers 24:8 -- "He is for him like the horns of the wild Ox -- (Taurus, again).

Thus, we have a "word" made more sure because it is a written record and much more difficult to twist into something else.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.