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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Introduction to John (1)

by Darrel Cline

Introduction Study # 1
August 7, 2022
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:   The beginning of an understanding of John's Gospel exists in its title: The Gospel of The "Yahweh is Gracious" thesis.

Introduction:   This morning we are entering into an "interim" period for this church. None of us knows how long this interim period is going to be. Therefore, I am going to follow a pattern that I began years ago when I decided that any "pulpit ministry" that I would have would be committed, first of all, to the study of one, or more, of the four Gospel accounts of the Person Of Jesus. In the past I have set out to proclaim the content of Matthew (for seven years in Butte, Nebraska), Mark (for five years in Harlingen, Texas), and Luke (for seven years in Lincolnton, North Carolina). I did not finish any of these studies because I ran out of time before I ran out of content, nor do I have any expectation whatsoever that I will be able to finish the studies of the Gospel of John during this interim period.

As I begin this study of the Gospel of John, I want to attempt to establish the purpose for this Gospel in comparison with the other three records of Jesus' teachings and actions. Much is lost in our attempts to understand God's words of revelation to us when we do not understand why God has had His words recorded in writing and preserved for centuries in the midst of extreme opposition.

Therefore, it is my goal this morning to begin to address the more critical issues involved in God's production of this Gospel through the fingers, pens, and brains of John, a son of Zebedee and brother of the James who was martyred by the actions of the Herod who was a "king" in Judea during the decade of the forties.

For our first consideration of the necessary background of this Gospel, we are going to look into why it is called "The Gospel of John".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.