Chapter # 7 Paragraph # 1 Study # 4
January 16, 2007
Lincolnton, N.C.
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<282> Thesis:   The only deliverance we have from Sin is in being transferred out of the domain of "Law". Introduction:   Last week I argued that how we live is directly tied to whether we consider ourselves the wives of Christ. This seems to be an inescapable conclusion to both Paul's doctrine and illustration. It is a difficult issue for "men" who are particularly "chewed up" by Sin. For such men, the idea that they have to become "feminine" in order to become "godly" is so distasteful that they simply refuse to consider that the Bible is unrelenting in its insistence that the Church is the Bride of Christ. For such men I have this question: what is really the most "macho" act -- bullying others into submission, or suffering for another's sake without flinching? Why does "macho" always mean using foul and godless language, lusting after multiple women, squandering resources on "competition" issues, being committed to creating chaos, and strutting like a peacock just to get attention? Since God presents Himself to His creation as a godly man, true "manliness" is being "strong to save others" not being "macho enough to intimidate others". So, the thesis stands: true godliness is heavily dependent upon whether we see ourselves as the wives of Christ. This has absolutely nothing to do with the issue of fallen men who try to turn themselves into fallen women, neither of whom understand the biblical issues of femininity or masculinity. This evening we are going to chase Paul's words in 7:1-6 a bit further. Our objective is to understand more clearly how we are to live as the people of God. The issue before us is the issue of God's focus upon getting us out from under the Law as a means to providing us with a workable method of living effectively as the people of God.