Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 4 Study # 9
August 31, 2004
Lincolnton, N.C.
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Thesis:   Just as the truth about God is clearly revealed in the "manifest creation", so the truth about man is clearly revealed in the "manifest creation". Introduction:   We have been looking into God's reaction to man's deliberate rejection of Truth. We have seen that the reaction is fundamentally a "deliverance unto" the very thing that man turned to. Man turned, fundamentally, from "incorruption" (undiminished life) to "corruption" (the gradual disintegration of life). God, fundamentally, turned man over to the processes of corruption. The first description of those processes is called "uncleanness". This is anything and everything that promotes decay [the illustration is how physical uncleanness permits the spread of disease]. The second description of those processes is called "passions of dishonor". This is in the text we shall consider this evening. The third description of those processes is called "a reprobate mind". That issue in found in 1:28. In the second description of the processes of corruption (which is in the text before us this evening), we are confronted with the issue of "compelling appetites". The words are translated by the KJV as "vile affections" and by the NASB as "degrading passions". In the words we have a more specific description of the "uncleanness" into which man has been plunged. In pictorial language, man has been cast into a cess pool where the forces of corruption are rampant. Now, with this second description, some of the details of the characteristics of the cess pool are unveiled. In the cess pool of uncleanness, we find "degrading passions". What does this mean?