Chapter # 8 Paragraph # 3 Study # 2
March 1, 2009
Lincolnton, N.C.
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<510> Thesis:   Maximizing fruitfulness is heavily dependent upon how much "moisture" gets to the seed and the ensuing plant from germination to harvest. Introduction:   In our study last week, we considered the second of Jesus' parables. In that study we saw that understanding the purpose for light was considered by Jesus to be of significant importance. His declaration was that no one -- including God -- provides light for any reason other than to make it possible for those exposed to it to see what the darkness was hiding. A major part of that study was given over to God's process of giving light: creation, revelation, manifestation, and participation. The point that we made is that God's process is designed for one purpose: to enable men to get into the Life of Light. We introduced that study by making the summary claim that there are only two hindrances to the fruitfulness of the seed: an absence of sufficient moisture; and an absence of necessary nutrients in the soil. In developing those issues, we made the claim that "moisture" for the word of God consists of a sufficiently close relationship to God to allow His "water of Life" to flow to us, into us, and out from us to others. Now, this morning we have come to one of two sub-set truths contained in Jesus' second parable. It is contained in 8:17 and consists of a declaration of final transparency. It is my contention that this declaration is directly related to the "moisture" issue in the prior parable and I would like to show you the significance of this relationship today.