Chapter # 7 Paragraph # 1 Study # 1
June 22, 2008
Lincolnton, N.C.
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<446> Thesis:   The content of faith arises out of divine declarations. Introduction:   As we open our Bibles this morning to Luke 7:1-10 we find ourselves returning to what is typically called "theological narrative" as a way to distinguish the records of the actions of Jesus from the records of the content of His teaching. It is "theological" narrative in that Luke deliberately selected certain of Jesus' actions to create the picture of Jesus that he wanted to build in the minds of his readers. Because people relate to others on the basis of how they perceive them to be, there was nothing more important to Luke than to provide a perception of Jesus that was accurate so that his reader (Theophilus) could relate to Jesus in a way that is legitimate. This is fundamental "theology" -- a presentation of the true nature of our Great God and Savior. In "theological narrative", there are two major issues. The first is the details of the record itself and what they bring to the table. The second is the reason that Luke decided to include the particular record as opposed to skipping it. John said (John 21:25) that Jesus did so many things that if they were all recorded, "even the world itself would not contain the books that should be written." So, Luke's is a selective narrative. It is our job to ask and answer two questions: What did Luke tell us, and why? So, this morning we are going to begin to look into the record of the healing of the centurion's slave so that we may gain a better understanding of Jesus.