Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 5 Study # 7
November 11, 2007
Lincolnton, N.C.
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<392> Thesis:   Jesus' second "Woe" is directed toward those who are willing to settle for the "comfort" of physical diversion. Introduction:   Last week we turned from Jesus' declarations of blessing to His pronouncements of "Woe". We saw that He deliberately followed a pattern of parallelism with the beatitudes and stated the antitheses to them. If the "poor" are "blessed", the "rich" are under a significant "woe". But, we attempted to accomplish two things last week. First, we attempted to make it as clear as we could that "blessing" and "woe" are "Kingdom of God/Heaven" truths -- the realization of their reality will not dawn with finality until this present situation under the dominion of evil has been completely reversed. To ignore this is to put eternity under time and to value the temporal above the eternal. The second thing we attempted was to show that material wealth has absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing to do with one's experience of the Life which God has to offer. Those who think it does are holding off the consolation which God has to offer and the day will come when their refusal to embrace God and His consolation will be permanently set as a final state of affairs...and then there will be no consolation of any kind forever. The so-called "rich" will be revealed to be eternally "poor". This week we come to Jesus' second "Woe". This one has to do with those Jesus described as "having come to fullness now", and His pronouncement of "Woe" consists in His declaration that they will experience eternal "hunger". It is our goal to attempt to understand what it is about which Jesus is warning us.