Chapter # 4 Paragraph # 2 Study # 12
October 15, 2006
Lincolnton, N.C.
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<288> Thesis:  Sudden flashes of anger are extremely "telling". Introduction:  We have been in Luke's account of Jesus' trip to Nazareth for a long time. We have argued that Luke wrote this account because it lays a major part of the foundation of his presentation of Jesus as the Kinsman Redeemer. The concept of "kinsman" is that of a "near relative" -- a concept that Luke felt was addressed best by giving the genealogy of Jesus through Mary so that we would be sure of His true humanity. The Spirit of God's foresight on this issue proved itself when, after the testimony of Jesus had become widespread, a major heresy arose which claimed that Jesus was not truly human. On the other hand, the concept of "redeemer" presupposes a serious need for redemption. There is no need for Luke to present a "Redeemer" if man is not "sold into sin" (Romans 7:14). The Spirit's foresight on this issue has proven itself also because man's greatest resistance arises on this point. Few things make people angry faster than being accused of wrong doing when they are making every effort to appear to be doing exactly what is right. This is Luke's "point" in these last few verses of his record of Jesus' trip to Nazareth. This morning it is my intention to examine this issue of "sudden, explosive, anger" as it took place in the synagogue that morning. The most helpful question in the world is "Why?". It forces us deeper into the issue and it compels us to come up with answers we will not have otherwise. However, be warned, it is not a comfortable process. How many times have we become exasperated by the "Dad/Mom, but why?" from our children? Our exasperation may be simply an expression of our lack of willingness to probe an issue until we understand it well enough to explain it to others. Exasperation, though, is just another term for "sudden, explosive, anger".