Chapter # 3 Paragraph # 5 Study # 1
May 7, 2006
Lincolnton, N.C.
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<246> Thesis:  Our legitimate participation in the on-going Plan is both important and effective. Introduction:  Last week we tried to make the point that we do not determine what is true by what we see, how we feel, or what we want. Instead, we determine what is true by listening to the God of verbal revelation Who has spoken in history in and by the written Word of God. It was a major point in the effort of last week to show how the arrest of John by Herod was both an action of evil and an effective instrument of God in the advancement of His Plan. The conclusion that I attempted to draw was that there is no "event" in history that is not used by God in the advancement of His Plan, not even one. It is the responsibility of the people of God to buy into that reality by faith -- not in what they "see", how they "feel", or what they "want" -- but in the declaration of God. The wisdom of God is so profound that there is not even one adversarial action that the evil one can take that does not serve God's good goals. There is only one downside to this entire scenario: that God forwards His Plan by every event of history does not mean that you or I will automatically be included in the "goodness" of the plan. There is a Hell as well as a Heaven; and there is real Loss even in the Judgment of the Great Shepherd's sheep. This is where "faith" comes into play: when I "trust", I participate in the "goodness"; when I do not "trust", I participate in the "disaster" of His rejection. Thus, this morning, I am going to attempt to address this reality of the individual's gain or loss by looking into Luke's introduction of the works of Jesus. As we buy into Luke's picture of Jesus, we gain. If we refuse the reality of Luke's picture, we lose. So, what is the picture Luke drew for us as he penned his words of Jesus?